War In Ukraine National Flags series started in early March as a cry for help against the Russian aggression. The scale of its brutality was shocking. By the end of March, after liberation of Bucha, Irpen and Borodyanka, when Mariupol had lost thousands of lives, I decided to project a video of the flood of blood over the image of Russian flag onto Russian Consulate in New York. The video was completed on March 31, but it required another month to locate a battery-powered projector and assess the situation surrounding the Russian Consulate and the Moscow Patriarchate Church. (The Moscow Patriarchate backs Putin and the conflict.) The metal barriers and police cars with flashing lights encircled the Consulate when I arrived on May 9th, Russia's WWII Victory Day, which was used for military propaganda by Putin's dictatorship. The building had two powerful projectors to cut the video streaming. A police woman stepped in and protested to any activity, so I didn't even get a chance to attempt. "There, not here," she said while pointing in an ambiguous direction. I followed her instruction and created a film collage with digital "projections" on the two New York locations related to the butcher-bloody Russian attacks in Ukraine.